Unipart Rail

Member Details:

Professional Services, Railway Systems, and Rolling Stock
Unipart Rail, Jupiter Building, First Point, Balby Carr Bank, Doncaster DN4 5JQ

Technology and Supply Chain Solutions

Unipart Rail addresses the challenges of the rail industry across the asset lifecycle by working collaboratively with partners to deliver technology and supply chain solutions that improve performance, reduce risk and optimise cost.

As part of Unipart Group, a global business that brings together manufacturing, logistics and consultancy in a set of products and services that create imaginative solutions for its customers, Unipart Rail has behind it a huge array of skills and capabilities drawn from years working across a multi-sector customer base.

Materials and Supply Chain Efficiencies

Customers from all over the world benefit from their Signalling & Train Management, Infrastructure, and Traction & Rolling Stock product range coupled with world-class supply chain efficiencies.

Materials are supplied from a single item up to a complex project plan over a defined period, incorporating manufacturing, assembly and bespoke delivery plans to meet the needs of individual customers. By matching their service to each customer’s needs, the result is the best possible for each scenario.

A keen understanding of the regulatory environment and the high standards required with a strong emphasis on safety means the business delivers to your customers confident in the knowledge that you’re always fulfilling your legal obligations.

The kind of innovative, creative, compliant thinking that helps them find fresh answers to the most complex of customer questions. For example their OLE Assembly and Logistics, or the Off-site Factory for Level Crossings both cut trackside complexity and installation time as well as minimising stocking and requirements for trackside stores.

Did you know too that their capabilities are supported with a number of acquired companies? Samuel James for example who provide LV switchgear and control gear systems or Instrumentel, suppliers of condition-based maintenance technology.

Design, Manufacture and the Supply of Signalling Products

For signalling and traffic management they offer consultancy, design, manufacture and the supply of signalling products. All that plus installation of signalling equipment and delivery of signalling projects.

Unipart Dorman takes care of design and manufacture of innovative Rail and Traffic Management products. Products include a complete range of LED signals and solutions for all aspects of Railway Signalling, Traffic Management solutions, Hazard Warning lamps and Vehicle Activated Signs.

Through Park Signalling and Comms Design, they provide a range of performance-enhancing and life-extending services and products for signalling systems. These businesses covers the life cycle of signalling systems spanning design and development, application engineering, prototype manufacture, repair and consultancy.

Through Samuel James, we have an end-to-end power solution from National Grid through to 24v supply – from REBs through to switches.

Through Instrumentel they provide technology and services around Condition-Based Predictive Maintenance, Condition Monitoring of remote assets and predictive analytics to improve asset performance

Their service centres provide repair and overhaul services for signalling equipment as well as assembly and pre-installation testing services for equipment such as Location Cases and REBs. They also provide supply chain solutions to the leading OEMs and contractors to help them deliver signalling projects on time and to budget.

Supply Chain Experience That Transforms the Railway

Unipart Rail at its heart is an expert in supply chain systems. As part of Unipart Group, with years of experience across multiple sectors, the experience is delivered in both the day-to-day supply of materials as well as specialised consultancy services – right from a diagnostic assessment, though implementation to full on-going service management.

An end-to-end service that takes their customers’ teams on a journey to sustained improvement through a clear process-driven approach designed to deliver optimised cost, reduced risk and improved performance.

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