Member Details:

Tracsis was founded in 2004 as a spin-out from the University of Leeds. We specialise in solving a variety of data capture, reporting and resource optimisation problems using a variety of digital technologies, together with the provision of a range of associated professional services to mass transit systems, of which the rail sector is a significant element.
Tracsis has over 14 years’ technology experience, developing a wide range of products and services, allowing transport operators and infrastructure owners to gain control over all aspects of operations planning and delivery. Our business is the leading supplier of these products and services in the UK rail sector and we are very well-known and utilised within the industry, particularly by Network Rail, Train Operators and governmental organisations.
Tracsis currently works across 3 core areas:
• Operations and Planning Systems – providing a wide range of software and services including consultancy, planning and scheduling software and business information and management software for mass transit systems.
• Remote Condition Monitoring and data logging for infrastructure and signalling systems – providing intelligent data acquisition and asset condition monitoring hardware and software for the rail industry, using industrial data acquisition units designed for the unique safety and environmental requirements of the railway.
• Traffic Data Services, specialising in rail, road and pedestrian – specialising in rail, road and pedestrian – dealing with the collection and collation of data and provides analytical services within both the rail industry and also traffic and pedestrian rich environments.
In addition to the above, Ontrac Technology Ltd and Travel Compensation Services Ltd are also part of Tracsis group:
Ontrac IT business solutions experts within the rail sector. The business improves performance and efficiency by using the latest technological innovations to automate data collection, enhancing analysis and reporting. This intelligence enables a structured and strategic decision making process on site, enabling a smarter, safer digital railway. Ontrac already work extensively with Network Rail.
Travel Compensation Services are a specialist service provider operating within the UK rail industry whose core service is to manage the complex and significant issue of Travel Compensation around Delay Repay whilst minimising risk for the Train Operator.
Tracsis has 14 permanent offices in the UK with offices/partners in Ireland, the USA and India. In addition, we have an extensive client base in the UK, Europe and North America.