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MacRail Systems bring a unique offering to the industry around site access and using the tag line of #morethansiteacess we are committed to delivering more than just a dedicates Site Access Controller. What started off as just SACs on site with a clipboard or excel spreadsheet, we have developed our own market leading software that allows us to record time and attendance, along with manage fatigue, inductions, exceedances, equipment allocation and reporting as well as checking individuals’ competencies in the most user friend cloud-based software out there. Our range of services we currently support the industry with are.
Site Access Control: A dedicated controller bases on site control the site access and rejecting those with incorrect PPE or Competencies
24/7 Control Room: Similar service to the above, designed for remote or smaller worksites, also can book hotels, out of office support and added support to the SAC.
Control Reporting: Managed by our control room and issued out to a dedicated distribution list.
Fatigue Management: Supporting Network Rail’s 003 standard and making sure the workforce does as well.
Exceedance Manager: In line with Fatigue Management, notifying individuals line managers once workers are about to exceed hours.
Inductions: Manage induction either through the app or system. Reject individuals without one.
Equipment Allocation and Register: Manage, issue out equipment and small tools and keep a register for when individual comes to sign out.
With 20 plus years’ experience withing rail and now branching out into other sectors, we are far from amateurs when it comes to requirements of clients around site access and over the last couple of years have really gone above and beyond at enhancing our systems and bringing new innovative solutions to site. We have the MacRail APP, Improved Reporting, with Automated Reports to give our clients a structure breakdown of the activities of their supply chain and what is happening on site, Facial Recognition and now the ability to offer mobile site welfare, on site communications, SIA trained security guards, signage, lighting, logistics, surveying and more, truly offering a one stop shop and allowing our clients to really concentrate on the task at hand and now have to worrying about any components around the access point.
The last few years has really seen change within MacRail, usual just supporting track renewals and maintenance, we are now more involved with major projects and civils works, drawing ability from our group of partners.
The importance of using a 3rd party Site Access Controller for your sites comes with many benefits, mostly making sure your sites are safe, nobody is trying to get access who hasn’t either been pre-registered, valid competency (based on customers requirements) or correct PPE. There are many out there that can aid but you want to make sure that they are experienced, have the confidence to reject individuals and have a system that can be viewed by the client and their stakeholders to view live and historic data relating to their project. This is something we strive on being the best at and with 20 years’ experience would say we are one of the best.
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