TALGO UK Supplier Event

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Date(s) - October 21 2020
11:00am - 4:00pm

TALGO UK’s next Chesterfield supplier event is planned for 21st October 2020, very kindly hosted by Destination Chesterfield and Chesterfield Borough Council ‘virtually’, commencing at 1100. Attendance will be by invitation. This is to follow on from the previously postponed event that was due on the 5th May 2020.

We are inviting further potential suppliers to express their interest in attending, and to let us know more about their organisations. Suppliers who have already registered and or met with TALGO UK need NOT register again – you have not been forgotten!

Please complete the details in the link below, and return by email to talgo.uk@talgo.com arriving no later than 1700 Monday 12th October 2020. In the event of heavy demand, TALGO UK reserves the right to limit attendees; early responses are encouraged.

Talgo UK Chesterfield Supplier day 2 – interest form 20201021

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