Supply Chain Resilience : Managing the Commercial and Business Impacts of War, Energy and Raw Material Prices and Availability

Date(s) - March 30 2022
2:30pm - 3:45pm


  This event will take place online.

The current events in Ukraine and the surrounding area are developing at a shocking rate and we can but only hope that a resolution will be reached quickly and one that is in the best interests of the Ukrainian people. However, as time goes on, the war is having a greater impact on the way in which we do business. It is also raising the real possibility that there will be a longterm ‘freezing’ of the relations between East and West meaning that some of the trading relationships that have developed over the last 20-30 years could unravel. Whilst many western countries have acted swiftly to pull out of Russia will they be as swift when it comes to decisions about a return to the market and what impact might that have for rail and our supply chain?

We are aware of members struggling to source raw materials or parts, compounding those issues felt by many as a consequence of Brexit and latterly COVID. In addition, the further lengthening of lead times, the inability to source materials from elsewhere and the concern that somewhere in a supply chain there may be a breach of sanctions or human trafficking, are meaning that more businesses are revisiting their contractual relationships with customers and suppliers.

There has also been much talk about the potential for a serious cyber attack aimed at disrupting business and our way of life and businesses should be considering their cyber security risks, business continuity planning and the contractual implications of a significant cyber attack.

This event is aimed at Managing Directors, Finance Directors, Heads of Contracts/Procurement/Sales and will be led by a panel of experts covering issues such as

  • navigating your current force majeure provisions
  • contractual implications of spiralling prices
  • what to consider if you are negotiating new contracts now
  • implications of failure to perform a contract (you or your suppliers)
  • implications for breaching the sanctions against Russia
  • what to do in the event of a cyber attack , both practically and from a contractual point of view.

Whilst our panellists can, and will, talk about their area of expertise to get the session underway; the intention is this will be more of a discussion and Q&A session for you to start to get some answers to the numerous questions we know members have. If you would prefer NOT to air your questions in public these can be submitted to in advance to be raised anonymously on your behalf.

We do hope that you can join us, this event is an opportunity for you to raise any questions that you may have and to gain some insight into how to future proof your contracts against whatever else is thrown at us!’

Bookings close at 12pm on Tuesday 29th March and joining information will be sent out by 10am on the morning of 30th March

Sorry, bookings for this event are closed.
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