LAUNCH EVENT : SME Collaboration: Opportunities for Decarbonising Freight

Date(s) - October 21 2020
3:00pm - 4:30pm


  This event will take place online.

On behalf of the Rail Supply Group RFM is leading the Midlands Pilots workstream as part of the Rail Sector Deal.  This workstream comprises two ‘pilots’; one of which is focussed on identifying opportunities for SMEs to collaborate to solve real ‘challenges’ and respond to opportunities provided by clients.

The first challenge, launched in July 2020 relates to rolling stock lightweighting (further information here) and we are now delighted to provide some advance information for our upcoming second challenge.

This new challenge will focus on Opportunities for Decarbonising Freight. We are working with Tarmac, a major end customer for rail freight together with the University of Derby and several potential clients including freight operators, wagon companies and asset managers. These are all listed below against the various themes they have a specific interest in. (Companies in bold are leading the theme).

  • Data Management & Telematics (with interest from Tarmac, DB Cargo, ERMEWA, Freightliner, GBRF)
  • Locomotives & Wagons (with interest from ERMEWA, DB Cargo, Freightliner, GBRF, VTG)
  • Driver Management and Path Improvements (with interest from DB Cargo, Freightliner, GBRF, Network Rail)
  • Terminal Management and Improvements (with interest from VTG, ERMEWA, Freightliner, GBRF, Network Rail, Tarmac)

Our online launch event will provide further details on the challenge together with the process and timeframes for SMEs to respond. This event and the challenge is open to ALL SMEs, you do not need to be a member of RFM to get involved. You must however be prepared to work collaboratively with other SMEs to develop a response to this challenge and we would be grateful if you could provide a very short description in the additional comments box outlining your company offer. This will be shared with all delegates to aid networking.

Please register for the online launch below – bookings will close on 16th October and joining details will be issued on Monday 19th.


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