RailSport Games UK

Date(s) - July 8 2017 - July 9 2017
9:30am - 10:30am

Loughborough University

Since the early 1990s, RailSport has been encouraging railway staff to reignite their long-held hopes of sporting glory and compete to be crowned the industry’s best.

The RailSport Games tournament, which since its opening weekend has welcomed thousands of competitors from across the rail industry, was established by the British Rail Staff Association and continues to this day with the help of many great volunteers.

2017 is the first RailSport Games organised by Rail Media. We’re working hard on making this the best weekend of sport and fun you can have. So we’ve moved the venue from Blackpool to Loughborough University; increased the numbers of sports available; and added loads of entertainment. We want the weekend to be a party!

Please read the Competitor Overview PDF for full information on prices and what’s included.

Loughborough University

Loughborough University is widely known as having the greatest sporting facilities in the UK. It allows RailSport to have all sports taking place close to each other. So when you’re not playing, you can be watching other matches happening. Loughborough University is the largest single-site university in the UK and boasts over 5,500 student bedrooms on site, alongside two hotels! So not only will all the sports be in close proximity to each other, so will the accommodation, the restaurants and the bars.

The Sports

We have increased the number of sports available this year. We’ve brought back a few old favourites and added some brand new events, such as the Cycling Sportif and Sprint Triathalon.

The Fun and Party

If you’ve ever been to one of our events before, you’ll know we like to party! So we have the Student Union open all weekend as the hub of the event. JC’s, the onsite pub will be open all weekend for a quiet drink and a chat. Then on Saturday night, we have a live band playing in Room 1, along with a separate nightclub!

Guarantee your place today by registering your interest.

For the employer: Health & Wellbeing 

“A business’s most valuable asset is, and will always be, the dedicated staff that devote themselves to delivering the work of the organisation. Healthy and fit staff are essential to ensuring a company remains efficient and profitable…”

Professor Dame Carol Black, UK National Director for Health and Work

Physical activity is essential for good health. Workplaces can help increase physical activity levels, and thus improve the health of employees, reduce sickness absence and increase productivity.

The NHS recommended that employers develop an organisational wide plan or policy to support employees to be more physically active, especially by encouraging participation in national events such as the RailSport Games.

Visit www.railsport.uk  for more details

Click here to purchase your tickets!

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