Rail Safety Week: Slips, Trips & Falls Prevention Masterclass

Date(s) - June 26 2024
12:30pm - 1:30pm


  This event will take place online.

Let’s reduce slips, trips and falls in our railways in this Rail Safety Week webclass ⚠️

Slips, trips and falls is a big challenge for the rail industry:
❌ 66% of severe passenger injuries are slips, trips and falls (ORR data)
❌ Network Rail paid out £1m+ over 5 years on slips, trips and falls claims

However, it’s more than possible to use science to significantly reduce the number of incidents, injuries and claims:
✅ Euston station recorded a 60% reduction in incidents year-on-year with a focussed effort on cleaning for slip safety, not just aesthetics

Join this Rail Safety Week Slips, Trips and Falls Prevention Masterclass to:
➡️ Guarantee to reduce your slip risk by 50,000x
➡️ Mitigate the risk of trips with a 4-step process
➡️ Discover how to achieve a 57%+ reduction in slip incidents
➡️ Be certain your floors have less than a 1 in 1 million slip risk

Invite your colleagues and safety network
Come and join the discussion on 26th June (bring your questions)


Event Link – https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEvdeitqT4jE9fDrdBKCXS4AZupSIUwDdbh#/registration

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