Rail Safety Week Conference

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Date(s) - June 26 2023
9:30am - 2:00pm

Shoosmiths, 1 Bow Churchyard, London EC4M 9DQ

Rail Forum is delighted to be taking Rail Safety Week forward on behalf of the industry. We are now planning the Rail Safety Week Conference to launch RSW23 and we have a great programme of speakers lined up including:.

  • Ian Prosser of ORR who will talk about H&S challenges going forward and in CP7
  • Dave Holder of QSS who will provide an insight into unlocking continual improvement through RM3
  • Transpennine Route Upgrade will share their Rail Safety Hub initiative
  • James Le Grice of DfT will offer a Government perspective on what makes the UK’s approach to rail safety so successful, and the associated opportunities for the British rail industry
  • Chris Leech of Tracsis will talk about the importance of Community Frameworks
  • Dave Brough of RCC will explore business risk and competence
  • BTP will share their initiatives for protecting women and girls from violence
  • Work Wallet will talk about how rail businesses can improve H&S by going digital
  • Achilles will update colleagues on the findings from their Modern Slavery Report
  • Karen Bennett of the Community Rail Network will talk about Rail Safety in Community Rail and
  • Stuart Heaton of LearnLive will talk about Rail Safe Friendly and how you can get involved!

In line with our wider popular event programme we are working on several short sharp presentation slots providing a fast paced event with something for everyone. We are currently confirming more industry speakers from Network Rail, RSSB and WorkWallet and will share these with you soon!

RSW is for everyone and the conference is open to anyone with an interest in Health and Safety on and around the railway. To book your place please complete the details below.

Bookings will close on 15 June and joining information will be forwarded to registered delegates on 19th.

Thanks to our event partners


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