Rail Industry Conference

Date(s) - November 9 2017
9:00am - 4:45pm

The Nottingham Belfry

Rail Industry Conference 2017

Health and safety in a changing railway

The IOSH Railway Group invites you to the 13th annual Rail Industry Conference. This flagship event is aimed at safety and health professionals and operations managers working across the railway industry.
This year’s event will focus on ‘health and safety in a changing railway’. Why? We are seeing a continued growth in passenger numbers, which has led to increased investment in renewals and enhancements. In the pursuit of efficiency, capacity and customer focus, further change is planned, including devolution to routes in Network Rail. We will see changes to organisational structure, new ways of working and franchising, and proposals for new funding, ownership and operational models. Change has the potential to challenge safety performance by introducing new hazards and destabilising established measures of risk control.

Why attend?

  • Hear from an expert panel of speakers who will look at how safety is being addressed as part of the change process, how risks are being assessed and what new incentives are being introduced.
  • Discover what’s new in our legal update session.
  • Explore new ideas and ways of working.
  • Update your skills and knowledge.
  • Debate current issues facing your industry.
  • Network with professionals from your sector.

Visit our supporting exhibition showcasing safety and health products and services.

QBE reaffirms its long-term commitment to the rail industry and is pleased to continue as a lead sponsor of the IOSH Rail Industry Conference. QBE, the specialist in business insurance, underwrites innovative and expert commercial insurance programmes for clients worldwide, including infrastructure operators, train and freight operators and numerous rail contractors. The Group’s underwriting of specialist risk business is underpinned by renowned risk management services and claims handling expertise. QBE is dedicated to the promotion and support of health and safety management within the industry. For more information, visit www.QBEeurope.com.

Full details can be found here:  Rail Industry Conference

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