Net Zero – Transport

Date(s) - July 23 2024
9:30am - 12:30pm

Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP Draymans Way Newcastle upon Tyne NE4 5DE

Few disagree that transitioning to a net zero economy is the right thing to do. While the most significant changes need to come from government, business will also have to play their part to help reach net zero.

Practically speaking, there are some hurdles to overcome to ensure the UK is a leader in the just transition to a net zero economy.

In this seminar, we will explore the challenges and the opportunities for de-carbonising our transport network. Undoubtedly the UK has come a long way in its net zero transition journey. We have many excellent case-study examples in the north east of progress towards a net zero future, in our transport industries.

There will likely need to be a mix of green technologies, that will need to operate together to support the need for greener transport solutions. We must also look at optimising routes to ensure the most efficient journeys.

This event will support businesses of all sizes across the region to discuss some of the challenges related to decarbonising our transport network. We will explore some of the opportunities that exist and how you can help practically implement some of the solutions.

– Where are we and how do we address common issues.

– The practicalities of a net zero transport network.

– How you can you engage with a like-minded community and overcome challenges.

Timing and programme:

0930 Registration, coffee and networking.

0950 Welcome, introductions and context / venue.

1000 Best practice in managing your (EV) company vehicle fleet. (Wingrove Motor Company)

1025 Practically implementing a sustainability strategy. (Newcastle International Airport)

1055 Refreshment break

1120 Practically investing in sustainability matters for the rail industry. (LUMO)

1145 Panel Discussion and Q&A.

LUMO, Newcastle International Airport, Wingrove Motor Company, Womble Bond Dickinson

1230 Conclusions, close and networking.

Dress code: We don’t stipulate a dress code at our events, but we’d recommend you dress like you’re going to meet new clients. The most important thing is that you’re comfortable.

Behaviour & Conduct: Our events create an inclusive space for individuals and organisations to meet where we expect all our attendees to behave with courtesy and respect, to both each other and Chamber colleagues.

Our events are open to Chamber members only. If you’re not a member and would like to attend, or discuss the benefits of membership, please email:

This is a member only series, any queries Knowledge Manager,

This event is kindly sponsored by Lumo Trains.

To register click here

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