Mental Wealth Café – My Resilience

Date(s) - February 24 2021
4:00pm - 5:00pm


  This event will take place online.

My resilience (ideal for those wanting to develop their own support strategy)

  • Why self-care is still important
  • Using mindset to deal with constant challenge
  • What’s in your stress container? (specifically we’ll be looking at physical and mental isolation, overwhelm and conflict, and ways to deal with each of them)
  • Creating effective support

For many of us, lockdown v3.0 has found us digging deep again. Whether you’re sitting it out alone, or with others, taking control of our own physical and mental resilience can be an effective strategy to help us deal with the ongoing coronacoaster. We’ll be revisiting some of the 2020 materials on how to work out what we need on a daily basis and having a whistlestop tour of how a small change in mindset can shift a dark day into a productive one.  We’ll also look at why emotional support is a human necessity…and look at some of the beliefs that stop us reaching out when we so desperately need it.


The event will be held on Zoom.  Bookings will close at 12.00pm on the day and joining instructions will be sent out shortly after.

Sorry, bookings for this event are closed.
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