ERCI Webinar | Latest Developments in Railway Multimodal Transport

Date(s) - June 12 2024
9:00am - 10:30am


  This event will take place online.

In the last years, the pressure on road transport is continuously increasing. Rail and waterways offer an alternative for more sustainable transport and to tackle the congestion issue. However, setting up railway connections remains a huge challenge for most companies. In this ERCI webinar, Novandi, a member of Logistics in Wallonia,  will tackle the latest developments in railway multimodal transport and how you can successfully implement railway multimodal connections.

Nowadays, the tracking and tracing operations of logistics units derive from information gathered by IoT devices in the transport means, somehow connected with the barcodes on those. In this scenario, NEW GENERATION SENSORS S.r.l., a member of DITECFER,  propose TrackOne, a platform capable to share information collected from the field regarding the logistics units. Such a platform will support the visibility improvement, toward the logistics operations optimization in the Physical Internet point of view.


10:00     Introduction –  ERCI – European Railway Clusters Initiative Introduction

10:10     Rail as a Backbone of Multimodal Logistics in Europe – Johan Gemels | Multimodal Railway Expert | Novandi

10:40     TrackOne, Towards the Complete Visibility of the Multimodal Supply Chain – Claudio Salvadori, PhD | CEO | NGS

11:10     Q&A

11:25     News from the ERCI network – ERCI – European Railway Clusters Initiative


  • By registering for this webinar, you agree that the webinar will be recorded and published on the YouTube platform of the STARS project.
  • Registered participants will receive an access link to the webinar in a separate e-mail.

This webinar is organised by the ERCI – European Railway Clusters Initiative. ERCI comprises 17 research and innovation-oriented railway technology clusters, covering 16 countries. ERCI represents more than 2,300 SMEs and aims to promote innovation and the development of new business opportunities as a means to sustainably strengthen competitiveness within the European railway industry. ERCI promotes cooperation between industry and research, initiates innovation projects, organises B2B meetings and workshops. This also includes promoting visibility and networking at EU level.

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