ERCI Webinar | Interoperable Data & Blockchain: Incentives to Innovate in Rail

Date(s) - April 24 2024
9:00am - 10:30am


  This event will take place online.

In this ERCI webinar, you will learn about the potential of interoperable data and Web3 technologies to create incentives for innovation in the railway sector.

Certifydoc – a member of in-move by Railgrup – provides companies and individuals with an on-demand SaaS solution to obtain immediate, interoperable, secure, and trusted data. Certifydoc presents IMMTT, the Interoperable Multimodal Transportations Tracker, which is a data interoperability solution born from past learnings. It is not only about money anymore. Sustainability, strategic autonomy, climate change, and security are playing an increasing part in the overall picture. This decade rewards the ‘last mover advantage.’. Let’s learn and propose ambitious, viable actions. Discuss in an experts’ panel the rise and fall of the TRADELENS project, its lessons, and where the EU would like to be after it.

Berlin based OSTAKON GmbH provides industry use case for Railway with early return on invest. They are providing a modular web3 industry data platform with pre-designed use cases, data-distribution and incentivization functions for different prosumer models.


10.00      Introduction  ERCI – European Railway Clusters Initiative

10.10      Data Interoperability, the Incentive for the Supply Chain Innovation Adoption – Mario Scalabrino | CEO | Certifydoc

10.40      Web3 Use Cases for Railway Industry – Thomas Ostertag | CEO | OSTAKON GmbH

11.10        Q&A

11.25        News from the ERCI network – ERCI – European Railway Clusters Initiative


By registering for this webinar, you agree that the webinar will be recorded and published on the YouTube platform of the STARS project.

Registered participants will receive an access link to the webinar in a separate e-mail.


The registration link is:

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