DfT Stakeholder Meeting: First Post Brexit Revision of Rail Interoperability Requirements

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Date(s) - July 26 2023
2:15pm - 3:30pm

Department for Transport, London

The DfT Rail Safety and Standards Team are inviting delegates to a hybrid stakeholder meeting on the first major revision of mandatory requirements for the railway contained in National Technical Specification Notices (NTSNs).

NTSNs are set by the Secretary of State for Transport and support the railway in Great Britain to function as one interoperable system and ensure it meets essential levels of technical compatibility, reliability and availability, accessibility, health, environmental protection and safety. They also facilitate use of standardised rail products and international rail supply chains, trade in rail products and international rail traffic.

NTSNs are mandatory for new, upgraded or renewed rail infrastructure, vehicles and some components, which must be assessed for compliance before they can be placed in service on the mainline railway.

DfT is working with the Rail Safety and Standards Board (RSSB) on the first major revision of NTSNs. This was prompted by a package update of the EU rail standards (Technical Specifications for Interoperability or TSIs) that the NTSNs prepared for Brexit substantially replicate. This meeting will set out the Government policy positions that will steer this 2023/24 revision exercise and the future direction of NTSN development. It will also set out how you can contribute to the revision through an industry consultation in the autumn. The session will be policy focused rather than on specific technical requirements, and is ideal for those new to the rail interoperability framework or seeking a refresher on NTSNs and how they affect their business. We welcome attendance from across the rail industry.

This meeting will take place on Wednesday 26 July from 2.15pm – 3.30pm at DfT’s office (Great Minster House, 33 Horseferry Road, London SW1P 4DR) and online via Microsoft Teams.

If you would like to attend this meeting, please respond to interoperability@dft.gov.uk and indicate whether you would like to join this meeting in person or via Teams.

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