COVID, Standards and Brexit Considerations for Future Rolling Stock Design

Date(s) - March 3 2021
3:00pm - 4:30pm


  This event will take place online.

This online event will provide an insight into 3 aspects of future rolling stock requirements and design. It will comprise three short presentations on the following topics plus opportunity for questions and discussion with our expert presenters.

An update from the Technical Leadership Group’s COVID-19 Working Group (TLG C19 WG)

An update on the work being undertaken by the TLG C19 WG, a cross industry group which RSSB chair and supported by RSSB, including latest research/thoughts on infection risks and studies, how the industry is helping to ensure passengers feel and stay safe and how we plan to encourage passengers back onto the railway when we are able to do so.

Key Train Requirements 6 (from David Polhill) and RSSB standards update (by Mark Oakley)

The Key Train Requirements (KTR) document aids rolling stock procurers, manufacturers and system suppliers to incorporate research and good practice in train design which aren’t already covered in standards. The document captures experience that has emerged from historic rolling stock projects and highlights new developments that may need to be considered when designing trains for operation in Great Britain.

By having key train requirements in one place, it makes specifying and supplying easier.  For example, the traditional contractual requirement to “comply to all applicable standards”, won’t cover emerging recommendations from research which have yet to be incorporated into actual standards.

In addition to procurement of new rolling stock, some of these train requirements are equally applicable to vehicle refurbishment or continued service operation (life extension) projects.  The document covers technical requirements as well as performance, environmental, operational and passenger facing aspects and communications and diagnostics.  The latest version (six), published in November 2020, includes over 100 new or improved entries, a new expanded section on passenger seats, and a new section relating to on-board catering equipment.

Additionally, RSSB produced several standards in 2020 which it will be useful to highlight, and they are working on several new standards which will impact RST design. There are 11 active rolling stock standards projects in progress, with a focus on adapting to  technological change and improving system interoperability. For example, one of them is a new standard to support the introduction of multi-mode vehicles equipped with combinations of internal and external power sources, including overhead contact line (OCL), third rail, diesel, batteries and other alternative traction sources such as hydrogen vehicles onto the network. This standard will enable industry to identify a consistent set of requirements that can be used in contracts with manufacturers and suppliers to specify the agreed GB mainline approach for vehicles and infrastructure. A brief update on current standards activities will be provided.

The new legal and standards landscape after UK’s exit from the EU (from Vaibhav Puri)

Following the UK’s exit from the EU and the ending of the transition period on 31 December 2020, EU Technical Specifications for Interoperability (TSIs) have ceased to apply in the UK. The technical content of TSIs at the end of the transition period have been replicated as National Technical Specification Notices (NTSNs), which came into effect on 1 January 2021.

NTSNs define the technical and operational standards which must be met to satisfy the ‘essential requirements’, and to ensure the interoperability of the railway system. This allows all parts of our network to run as a whole system, providing benefits for our customers and our society.

The essential requirements are safety, reliability and availability, health, environmental protection, technical compatibility and accessibility. ‘Interoperability’ is defined in the Railways (Interoperability) Regulations 2011 (as amended) as ‘the ability of the rail system to allow the safe and uninterrupted movement of trains which accomplish the required levels of performance for those lines’.



Please reserve your place using our booking system below. Bookings will close on 26th February at 5pm and joining information will be issued on Monday 1st March


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