Collaboration and Innovation Within the Rail Sector

Date(s) - February 11 2021
9:30am - 10:30am


  This event will take place online.


There is a wealth of support available to help your organisation develop innovative solutions to meet client needs but we know it can be difficult to navigate the various funding streams available.

The University of Derby has a variety of collaborative opportunities available to the rail sector including funded projects and research and development support:

  • The DE-Carbonise project has been created to help small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) increase their sustainability and save money by reducing energy costs and carbon emissions. The project is a collaboration between the University of Derby, Derby City and Derbyshire County Councils.
  • The Innovate 4 Rail project has been created to stimulate and support innovation and drive productivity among small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in the Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire (D2N2) Rail Sector Supply Chains.
  • The Rail Research and Innovation Centre (RRIC) supports collaborative research and innovation projects with rail supply chains. The objective is to drive up productivity, sustainability and growth.
  • Enscite offers funding and support to small-to-medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in the aerospace, rail and automotive supply chain. We help these businesses to grow and make operational improvements.

During the event you will hear how the University of Derby and Rail Forum Midlands are currently supporting the sector and learn how other organisations are already benefiting from these initiatives.

At the end of the session you will have the opportunity to join a break out room where you can ask our speakers questions and network with others in the sector.

To book a place on this event please follow this LINK

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