Fast Track 4 Future Skills

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Date(s) - November 17 2022
All Day

National College for Advanced Transport & Infrastructure

The railway industry is embarking on a digital transformation of its passenger and freight services to deliver a passenger and freight operation that is fit for purpose in the 21st Century. Fast Track 4 Future Skills is a roundtable event designed to engage with rail and railway infrastructure stakeholders to consider the effect of this
change on employee skills. The sector’s digital transformation also presents the opportunity to design new and exciting skills and apprenticeship opportunities that will enable businesses to achieve competitive advantage.

Who should attend?
Businesses operating within rail and railway infrastructure supply chains including manufacturing, mechanical and civil engineering, maintenance, logistics and service provision.

Why attend?
These are exciting, yet challenging times for the rail industry. With a once in a generation level of investment in
track, infrastructure, and rail stations, the UK railways are undergoing a transformation unprecedented in modern
times. This requires a future-proofed workforce with the necessary skills, behaviours, and qualifications to meet the demand for today and into the future.

More information can be found here – Fast Track 4 Future Skills – 17 November

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