Are You ready For China?

Date(s) - February 11 2016
8:00am - 10:30am

Derby Council House

RFM Members may be interested in this event organised by Derby City Council. Aimed at businesses who have not previously done business in China the agenda is shown below:

08.00 Registration and Welcome Tea/Coffee

08.30 Opening Remarks Councillor Martin Rawson, Deputy Leader, Derby City Council

08.40 Why Trade with China? David Gregory, China Business Adviser, China-Britain Business Council Overview of UK-China and the areas of opportunity for UK companies; recent policy initiatives; inbound investment from China; the importance of demographic changes in China; the importance of China’s regional cities; background on CBBC & support available.

09.00 Doing Business with China Paul North, UK Trade & Investment (East Midlands) Overview of support and services available from UK Trade and Investment’s overseas service delivery partners.

09.20 Doing Business with China Malcolm McMillan, Co-Founder, VR Aviation Safety Partnership VR Aviation was established by Malcolm and his partner in 2011. Since then they have delivered training and consulting services in many countries, including China. From his own experience, Malcolm will be sharing his views on doing business in China; both the opportunities and challenges.

09.40 Closing Remarks Councillor Martin Rawson, Deputy Leader, Derby City Council

09.50 – 10.30 Networking and Buffet Breakfast

For further information see the attached flyer Are you ready for China – Derby 11th Feb 16.

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