Adapting to the (un)Certainty of Climate Change

Date(s) - September 5 2024
9:15am - 3:00pm

3rd Floor, 2 Brewery Wharf, Kendell Street, Leeds LS10 1JR

Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time. It is already having significant impact on the operational railway; with major spend of £2.7bn planned in CP7 to enhance the resilience of the network.

The effect of weather on rail is multi-faceted. From extremes of heat and cold and higher rainfall to managing vegetation and improving biodiversity. This event will explore what Network Rail has been doing, what is planned to adapt to an ever evolving climate, the impact on operators and the role of the supply chain in providing solutions and mitigating impacts.

We are delighted to welcome Martin Frobisher, Group Safety and Engineering Director, Technical Authority, Network Rail as our keynote speaker.

Across the day you will also hear from:

  • Vanessa Porter, Department for Transport who will outline the government’s Transport Adaptation Strategy aimed at ensuring the transport network is prepared for the challenges of climate change
  • Lisa Constable, Weather Resilience and Climate Change Adaptation Strategy Manager, Network Rail
  • Russell Shanley, Programme Manager, Weather Risk Taskforce, Network Rail
  • Josh Graham, founder of EHAB a UK tech company helping construction companies model weather & climate risk. Josh will be showing us data from the EHAB platform as well as a recent global survey they conducted on the state of climate resilience in construction
  • Jason Brooker, Head of Environment and Sustainability at Govia Thameslink and Graham Mollison, Head of Sustainability at Southeastern who will share their thoughts on the impact of climate change on our customers and what they are doing to mitigate this
  • Yan Sales, Senior Project Manager at BAM Nuttall who will talk about the Dawlish Project
  • Gareth Williams, Sustainability Lead, Transpennine Route Upgrade who will outline the actions being taken on the programme to mitigate climate risks and
  • Dr Rachel Allison, HS2 who will touch on the issues HS2 are considering as they build the new railway.
Event Partners

We are delighted to confirm Mitie as an Event Partner

If you are interested in being an Event Partner please speak to



Rail Forum members can book 1 complimentary place at this event, with a charge of £50 plus VAT for extra places.

We have a small allocation of non member tickets available; companies can purchase a maximum of 1 place at this event for a fee of £100 plus VAT.

Bookings will close 27th August 2024 at 5.00pm (or earlier if the event is fully booked).

Joining instructions will be issued on 29 August 2024.

Sorry, bookings for this event are closed.
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