Severn Partnership’s comprehensive topographic survey supports track renewal


Severn Partnership were approached by a key client to conduct a comprehensive topographic survey at a busy junction in the North-West, a heavily utilised segment of the rail network last renewed in 2004.

The project’s objective was to collect detailed data to facilitate upcoming track renewals after particularly high usage and wear of the junction’s switches and crossings. To allow our client to produce a design to complete the renewal, we worked to an extensive specification and provided control, installation, coordination, track alignment, structure gauging, track detail and a drainage survey. Additionally, we supplied a point cloud deliverable, height and stagger measurements and datum plate readings to our client to ensure an accurate model of the junction.


This particular site presented numerous challenges due to its overgrown vegetation and the volume of switches and crossings (S&C units) – 19-point ends compared to the typical 6 seen at similar locations.

The site was heavily vegetated, posing a significant obstacle to accessing certain areas and gathering accurate data. Dense trees and vegetation, especially in the summer months, added time and labour requirements for vegetation clearance. With the wrong approach, this would have required extensive efforts and impacted both project costs and time for our client.

Access to the site itself created more challenges, with the team needing to negotiate restricted access points.

As with any high-risk environment, safety was a critical concern. With the line in regular use, our team had to balance the need for accurate data collection with speed, minimising the time spent on track to reduce risk and disruption to the public service. Working to a tight schedule would require careful shift planning and execution, to avoid delays and prevent the need for any additional track access.


Utilising the Amberg track trolley system on this project allowed for efficient data collection without the need for extensive vegetation clearance, saving both time and money for extra resource.

Given the busy line and site access challenges, we strategically organised shift schedules, equipment and personnel to maximise efficiency. By using the Amberg trolley, we worked with a lean team to complete the survey within just 33 hours of total site access – 50% faster than traditional survey methods.

When our client requested additional control data, we were able to deploy extra team members to cover this requirement during midweek shifts, to maintain the original project timeline without the need for any additional site visits and track access.

Our combination of innovative technology and responsive project management led to a safer, faster and more sustainable approach, reducing boots on ballast and the need for any extra shifts.


Our approach resulted in a highly accurate and comprehensive survey and deliverables, that met and exceeded our client’s expectations. Over 6,000 meters of track were surveyed within just 8 shifts, including 800 meters of 3-track lines and 900 meters of 4-track lines.

Within one week of completing the on-site survey, our client received their initial data, including datum plate readings, structure gauging, height and stagger measurements and topographic drawings. A full set of deliverables, including control schedules, manhole cards, witness diagrams and a comprehensive point cloud, was provided within 15 business days.

In addition to fulfilling the project’s core requirements, we provided added value through additional daylight photos taken at 20-meter intervals, rather than the standard 50-meter interval. This extra detail has provided our client with a more thorough visual record, offering better context for future maintenance and planning requirements.

The success of this project has reinforced our relationship with a valued client and opened the door to collaborate on similar sites, the project team expressed great satisfaction with the quality of our data, the speed of our deliverables and comprehensive documentation.

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