Rail Forum launches ‘Made in Britain’ UK rail manufacturing campaign

Rail Forum is pleased to launch a UK rail manufacturing campaign as part of our enhanced support stream for our manufacturing members. With a third of our membership involved in manufacturing, this rail focused ‘Made in Britain’ social media initiative is a fantastic opportunity for our members to highlight their capability, capacity, and range of processes supporting rail manufacturing across both rolling stock and infrastructure.

Rail Forum’s manufacturing campaign will run from today (17 June) to 17 July 2024 and we’re delighted to have the support of Made in Britain and incorporate their well-established and respected #MadeInBritain branding and hashtag.

John Pearce, CEO at Made in Britain said: “A strong rail sector, leading a bold, green UK infrastructure strategy must have British manufacturing excellence at its very core. The UK is proud to be home to many of the world’s leading makers operating in, and supplying vital components into, the entire eco-system of rail-related transport. The Made in Britain organisation is proud to be able to add our voice to Rail Forum’s campaigning (in 2024) to boost the awareness of everyone who relies on this remarkable network of innovators and enablers of the UK’s environmentally and social responsible rail transport and travel sectors.”

The social media campaign marketing materials can be found on a dedicated Manufacturing page on our website. The branded template can be easily customised, and we look forward to celebrating the contributions of each and every member who participates.

This campaign is the first output of our newly formed Manufacturing Steering Group, comprising BCM GRC, Cembre, Composite Braiding, CWE, Datum, Hydram, Infotec and Signal House Group and Transport Design International (TDI). The Steering Group are also developing other initiatives to draw attention to the wealth of rail capability in the UK and it would not be possible without the support of our Manufacturing Partner, TDI.

Nicola Islef, Head of Marketing at TDI shares: “TDI is looking forward to working closely with Rail Forum throughout June to support the UK Rail Manufacturing Campaign.  With the success of our Very Light Rail products and transport solutions, TDI is increasing our manufacturing capacity in the Midlands for the build of the Revolution VLR Pre-Series vehicles. This is an exciting time for us, and we are proud to be a part of Rail Forum’s initiative to promote manufacturing in the UK.”

Cat Appleby, Membership & Engagement Director at Rail Forum said: “With a huge range of UK based manufacturing companies supporting rail, it’s a pleasure to shine a spotlight on them in this campaign.  Over the last few years, we have seen a range of economic impacts which have demonstrated the value of having UK based suppliers, not only for supply chain resilience but renowned for quality and innovation to support efficiencies across the whole supply chain.  Recognising their whole life economic and social value helps the UK to continue to deliver world-class railways both domestically, and of course internationally.”

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