Diamond Rail Services support Ethstat Ethical at RSN as an alternative and innovative way to offer support

Diamond Rail Services have supported Ethstat Ethical with purchasing of Christmas hampers for Staff and Customers and for raffle prizes at events. They also purchase a small quantity of office supplies and consumables, however due to Diamond being an SME, this doesn’t generate a huge impact at this incredible Social Enterprise.

During a call last year and discussing ways that Diamond could support, discussions turned to innovative and creative ways to help. Diamond could offer space and a forum for Ethstat Ethical to forward sell their service and grow their opportunities.

What better place that the Rolling Stock Networking (RSN) event at Derby Arena on Thursday 4th July. The footfall at this event grows year on year and is filled with Suppliers and Customers in the industry. Diamond attends this brilliant event every year and such the costs are within marketing budgets allowing Ethstat to attend for free. Kevin Lane of RSN was only too happy to support this incentive too.

Jenny Dempsey, Director at Diamond said: “It seemed a no brainer to offer part of our stand space to Ethstat at no charge and we are grateful to RSN for their support in this idea too. I hope it is a successful opportunity for Ethstat, please do come visit us both on stand J4”.

Diamond and Ethstat are also working together to discuss the opportunity that is the large space on Diamond’s site in Sheffield. There is space for hamper packing which gives job opportunities to those who are currently without a home. This would allow Ethstat to expand capacity and continue to make a great difference at another location in the UK.

Find out more about the work that Ethstat do at Home – Ethstat Ethical CIC (ethicalstationery.com) and more of Diamond Rail Services news and our service offer at their website www.DiamondRail.co.uk

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