IDEAS’ Launch Mobile Information Units

Designed by Keith Lovelace, Managing Director of IDEAS Ltd, the ‘Mobile Information Units’ provide an easily recognisable and inclusive physical touchpoint for people to meet staff and seek assistance and information. It’s suitable for rail stations, transport hubs, airports, stadia, shopping centres, leisure and hospitality, and other public spaces or events.

Designed from the outset using the fundamental characteristics of inclusion, equity, diversity and accessibility for public spaces and events, the ‘Mobile Information Units’ provide better inclusive and accessible customer facing facilities for everyone including wheelchair users and people of short stature. It features a 3-tier counter, a recharging point, leaflet holders, a hearing loop, is easily manoeuvrable and can be fixed with lockable wheels.

The Unit also features lockable storage with adjustable shelves, a retractable sign pole and its optional extras include an LED illuminated ‘box’ sign. For extra customisability, the Unit can be branded according to the customer’s requirements.

It’s made from durable materials such as steel and aluminium and has solid core laminate counter tops.

This unique and innovative product can form part of a company’s strategy for various improvements in crowd management, customer assistance, inclusion, diversity, accessibility and way-finding, as well as improving the overall customer experience.


Editor’s Notes

About Ideas Ltd

Ideas Limited is Britain’s leading specialists in the design, manufacture, and installation of inclusive products across public transport.

Ideas has seen rapidly increasing interest in their Inclusive Design services and British-made products as rail station operators, other public transport providers and funding bodies grow their understanding of the need to welcome all customers regardless of visible and invisible disabilities.  The company is on a mission to bring the benefits of our expertise to all public transport users and other market sectors and applications that will benefit from and experience and know-how.

For further information or if you would like to interview Keith Lovelace please contact:

Cherrill Scheer & Associates

Hille House | 132 St Albans Road | Watford, Herts | WD24 4AE

T:  01923 242769


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