Revolution VLR success at the Global Light Rail Awards

In October, Eversholt and Transport Design International (TDI) won the Technical Innovation of the Year – Rolling Stock award at the Global Light Rail Awards.

The host Nicholas Owen, BBC news journalist, said as he announced us as winners: “Our winner though was described by the judges as “putting Britain in the lead in a new space race. There are so many innovative things all wrapped up in this lovely vehicle, and lots of really good lessons to shake up the industry.”

Creating an all-new, lightweight, energy-efficient and cost-effective vehicle to enhance services on poorly-serviced branch and suburban lines, and facilitate the re-opening of disused routes, this modular vehicle is bristling with advanced technology, cutting-edge materials and new thinking across every aspect of the programme – design, supply, build, and system implementation.

Simple to build, simple to operate, simple to upgrade or repair, and with class-leading environmental credentials, the demonstrator has drawn widespread adoration. The submission included glowing testimonials from engineers, drivers, politicians, regulators, industry bodies – and now from the Global Light Rail Awards judges.

Already the recipient of countless awards, the team behind the Revolution VLR can add another one to the cabinet – Eversholt Rail and Transport Design International

This was a brilliant success for our teams.

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