Network Rail Adopts SiteSentinel for London Waterloo

Lucid has been commissioned to develop an online induction for Waterloo Station. The induction will be developed using our SiteSentinel induction platform. It will create Induction Pathways for Contractors, Volunteers, Retail Staff and General Visitors.

Waterloo is the largest station in Britain. It provides around 99 million mainline and 100 million underground rail journeys each year. Supporting this operation requires an army of dedicated staff and skilled contractors. There is also a significant retail presence in the station and an ongoing volunteer programme.

Network Rail is the owner and infrastructure manager of most of the railway network in Great Britain. They directly manage twenty of the UK’s largest railway stations.

SiteSentinel provides professional inductions for safer work sites. It provides an online induction, test, and administration interface. The system is designed to consistently deliver relevant, high-quality information using text, photos, video, and illustrations. SiteSentinel provides an audit trail of site inductions for staff, visitors, and contractors.

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