Rail Forum Launches Buddy System

The Rail Forum is delighted to launch their brand-new Buddy System for all new members joining the Rail Forum from 1st May 2022.

Using intelligent pairing, the Rail Forum will connect all new members with a ‘Buddy’ made up from a number of member volunteers. This interaction will give a member perspective about how to get the most out of their membership. It will also assist in getting new members started on their networking journey.

Cat Appleby, Membership Manager at the Rail Forum said “Buddies are an extra level of ‘welcome’ in addition to their Account Manager and are a short-term volunteer role to help new members settle into their membership. The ‘buddies’ will be a friendly face at events, in addition to the friendly faces of the team.”

The Rail Forum have identified a number of Buddies across their membership. These are members that have demonstrated great engagement and really utilise their membership to support ALL their activity including:

  • Attending events of interest
  • Developing a great rapport with their account manager, and the rest of the team
  • Sharing news
  • Active on social media.

These buddies will help new members to overcome obstacles such as acronyms and rail speak to fully understand the industry and provide a step up to understanding the processes and knowledge when doing business in rail.


For further information contact:

Cat Appleby, Membership Manager


 About the Rail Forum

The Rail Forum is a national industry body with strong regional connections including supporting the nationally and internationally important rail supply chain cluster across the Midlands; the Rail Forum has over 330 members providing products and services across all aspects of the industry. The Rail Forum actively supports the national rail agenda and strategy, encouraging collaboration, promoting members’ capabilities, leading a number of regional skills initiatives and supporting innovation and export priorities. The Rail Forum is owned and governed by its members with a Board drawn from member companies.


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