Shropshire based Retail Furniture Ltd, manufactures of Rolling Stock Interior furniture have announced that following extensive development with their supplier and laboratories, tested by WarringtonFire…they’re happy to announce their anti-microbial Polyurethane (PU) edging is now available in both standard and Fire Rated (compliant to Rail Standards EN45545-2 to meet requirements R22/R23 to HL1 & HL2) options.
Retail Furniture’s anti-microbial formula helps to prevent and inhibit the propagation of bacteria and fungi on the surface of the material. Tested to laboratory test method 712.3 Zone of Inhibition (solid products, BPR PT9 – test report B/21/0343) the samples achieved between 83mm and 87mm zone of inhibition, giving peace of mind to the end user that Retail Furniture’s PU edging helps promote a more hygienic environment than standard edging in any setting from train tables to ticket desks as well as applications within the education, health and retail sector.
For further information and details of their PU processes or for copies of reports please contact Heather Forster, Project Development Manager ( or 07811 349266)
*This does not negate the need for good hygiene practices and standard cleaning regimes.