FirstClass Safety & Control donates Depot Protection System for National College for Advanced Transport & Infrastructure

The National College for Advanced Transport & Infrastructure (NCATI), has received a Depot Protection system from Depot Safety specialist FirstClass Safety & Control (FCSC) to support training and familiarisation for the college’s trainees and lecturers.

FCSC donated a working Depot Protection system demonstrator including functional derailers for the Birmingham campus and provided full operator training. All future support will also be completely free of charge.

The provision of the equipment follows up from an initial innovative training session programme that was presented at NCATI’s Birmingham and Doncaster campuses in November 2019, and March 2020 respectfully. The innovative training project saw the students work alongside FirstClass Safety & Control Director, Mark Meyrick, to develop an understanding of Depot Protection and Control Systems, particularly in relation to the planned depots proposed as part of the HS2 project.

The programme specifically addressed how the depot’s future staff and assets would be protected by the implementation of an integrated Depot Protection and Control system. Trainees and lecturers alike have benefitted from the specialist knowledge and experience FCSC provided in the sessions.

The programme will continue with the planned installation of another Depot Protection System at the Doncaster campus.

National College for Advanced Transport & Infrastructure lecturer in Command, Control and Communications, Nick Rodney, said: “The National College is delighted to be part of this collaborative project, which will support the development of training programmes for future designers and depot staff using the latest control system technologies.”

FirstClass Safety & Control Founder and Director, Mark Meyrick, said: “Through the use of modern control technology, these training sessions and demonstration equipment are set to improve the trainee’s knowledge and experience of future depot design and operation, and we’re excited to be part of the journey.”


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