Team-MTMS strives to achieve medal-winning performance today and every day

It’s business as usual at MTMS, with our team always striving to deliver higher, faster and stronger performance together with our customers and suppliers.

Yet as we marvel with you and the rest of the nation at Team-GB’s achievements in Tokyo, you may have been worried by news from a different team closer to home.

One of our competitors – and a firm we used to be associated with – has hit a rough patch.

We’re sorry to hear the breaking news about colleagues and friends losing their jobs at Garrandale today.

I want to assure you that this has absolutely no effect on the trading position of MTMS.

MTMS was set up three years ago and completed its total separation from Garrandale in March 2020.  Our company has different shareholders and directors.

We’re running our own, totally independent race.

Every day, we’re looking for those marginal gains that will help us to deliver gold standard reliability to our customers whilst nurturing equally strong relationships with our valued suppliers.

Our mission is to enhance the quality and reliability of rail travel to bring passengers back for journey after journey.

Just like Team-GB, that’s meant investing in talented people of the highest calibre and instilling the can-do, will-do attitude which has seen this business go from strength to strength over the past three years.

We’re pressing on with our mission.

If you’d like to discuss how we can help your business, give the team a call on 0800 644 7200 or email

Malcolm Prentice

Managing Director




About MTMS

MTMS is the maintenance company of choice for the rail and transport industry.

We are a specialist provider of depot maintenance. Delivering a platform of excellence which encompasses the full gamut of engineering, chemical, consumable, paint and coatings programmes; across the private, public and third party sectors.

With over 30 years of engineering experience, providing total solution packages for design, build, inspection, repair and maintenance. Our capabilities range from Carriage Wash and Electrical design and Installation through to Fuel and Oil testing, making MTMS your ‘One stop shop’. With a truly market leading UK wide 24/7 service, you can be assured you’re in safe hands.

We’re a business that understands. We understand what it takes to provide the best service. We understand the importance of investing in the best people; and we understand our clients and their needs.

Our vision is to provide solutions that drive excellence, inspired by innovation.

For more information about MTMS, please visit


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