With 26 Tier 1s now confirmed, as well as major clients including TFL and Network Rail, Rail Forum Midlands are delighted to announce that our InfraTalk floorplan is now complete.
InfraTalk – fast virtual networking for railway infrastructure – takes place on 24 June 2021, 9am – 12noon. This exciting event is changing the way the supply chain, tier 1s and clients can engage in a fuss-free and dynamic virtual platform.
Latest confirmed participants include Mott MacDonald: “We are delighted to be one of the participants in InfraTalk. As a long-term member of Rail Forum Midlands, we see this as a great way to engage with the whole industry and very much look forward to bringing key colleagues along to speak with contacts, new and old” said Anna Delvecchio, Group Development Director, Transportation
InfraTalk Line-up
The completed line-up for this second InfraTalk event provides even more opportunity for networking across the industry:
National event with VIPs
As the line-up suggests, InfraTalk provides a national networking event and also includes a range of VIP special guests from Government and Industry with particular focus on client organisations.
“Costain’s purpose is to improve people’s lives by delivering integrated leading edge smart infrastructure solutions to meet national needs across the UK’s rail sector and participating in this event allows Costain to connect with clients, stakeholders and the wider supply chain” commented Mark Walker, Head of Rail Engineering Services & Assurance
The event remains committed to its core objectives of barrier free virtual networking – with no applications or scheduled meetings, allowing delegates to easily navigate the tier 1 hosted tables and speak directly with a range of tier 1 representatives across key business areas including procurement and projects.
“I attended the inaugural InfraTalk in January and this is by far the best virtual event I have encountered. Hosting the Network Rail North West & Central table with colleagues will be fundamental to support our supplier engagement activities – not only with those we know and already work with, but with new suppliers that can support our aspirations around improved working practices and innovation” said Charlotte Blach, Head of Supplier Management, Network Rail NW&C.
The opening address will be delivered by Clive Berrington, Group Commercial & Procurement Director for Network Rail. In addition to North West & Central, two further regions will be hosting tables: Eastern, and Wales & Western as well as key colleagues from Project Speed to support transition activities.
Register today!
InfraTalk is open to members and non-members. Non-members can register for one place per company for a small charge whilst Rail Forum Midlands members benefit from free unlimited places.
Visit: https://www.railforum.uk/events/infratalk-2/ for more information and to register for places.
Alstom and Story Contracting are the event partners.
For further information contact:
Elaine Clark elaineclark@midlandsrail.co.uk
About Rail Forum Midlands:
Rail Forum Midlands (RFM) is a national industry body with strong regional connections including supporting the nationally and internationally important rail supply chain cluster across the Midlands; RFM has over 250 members providing products and services across all aspects of the industry. RFM actively supports the national rail agenda and strategy, encouraging collaboration, promoting members’ capabilities, leading a number of regional skills initiatives and supporting innovation and export priorities. RFM is owned and governed by its members with a Board drawn from member companies.