Porterbrook achieves Investors in People Gold Award

Porterbrook, the rolling stock asset management company, has been awarded the coveted Investors in People Gold Accreditation.

For nearly 30 years Investors in People (IiP) has been recognised as the international standard for employee engagement. With just 17% of all UK companies achieving Gold, this accreditation demonstrates the value that Porterbrook places upon supporting colleagues across the business.

Porterbrook embarked upon the IiP pathway in 2018. The early attainment of Gold accreditation at the end of 2020 reflects the business’ commitment to continuous staff engagement and support, despite the challenges caused by remote working during much of the year.

Kate North, Head of HR at Porterbrook, said “We are incredibly proud of having been awarded Investors in People Gold Accreditation. This is a testament to the hard work of our teams in supporting all our colleagues during this challenging time. It also reflects the wider commitment of our leadership team in establishing our people initiatives as integral to delivering continuous improvement across the business.”

In recognising Porterbrook with the Gold award, Porterbrook’s IiP assessor, Amanda Ryalls, said: “This is an amazing achievement and all down to the approach and continual effort Porterbrook has put into taking on board all of the recommendations made from the first assessment.”



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Regards r


Rupert Brennan Brown

Director of Stakeholder Engagement

M +44 (0)7973 950923



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