Elastacloud Launches New Data Analytics Discovery Service

Elastacloud, one of the most dominant players in the UK for Advanced Data Analytics Solutions, continues to expand its product offering enabling organisations a first foray into Data Analytics & Machine Learning for a fixed cost

The advent of unlimited compute with the cloud and high speed internet connectivity means advanced data analytics can now be utilized by every organization to drive transformation & deliver actionable insight. This is no longer the domain of just the largest organisations

We recognise that “A ‘knowledge deficit’, not only hinders an organisation’s understanding of the status quo, but also impedes its ability to make informed, cost-efficient decisions for the future. We are passionate about driving value into our customers by harnessing the power of their data and blending it with other data sources to deliver actionable insight” said Gary Hunter, Business Development Manager at Elastacloud.

Gary went on to say …“ smaller organisations are now getting access to much larger data sets and recognise the need to apply data science techniques to discover hidden secrets within the data. These secrets give organisations the opportunity to deliver actionable insight allowing optimisations to drive value, increasing productivity and competitive edge

Our new Data Science Discovery Programme gives customers a low cost entry point into Data Science. We start the journey with a free of charge, no obligation discovery session during which we review our customer’s data and identify the key business challenges within the organization. We review existing IT infrastructure and assess data platform choices available to the organization. This allows us to work in partnership with the customer to develop a project plan with a specified business outcome. The second phase of the programme is set at a fixed fee of £12,000 + VAT and gives access to our Data Scientists over a two week period who structure the data and make connections between the multiple data sets. Then, Elastacloud’s Data Science & Machine Learning process is deployed uncovering correlations in the data directly relating to the business challenge and delivering actionable insight.


Direct contact: Gary Hunter, Business Development Manager. Tel: 07918 638492. gary@elastacloud.com

Click here for more information about Elastacloud.






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