RFM Siemens Depot Visit

Last Friday saw the first RFM ‘meet the buyer’ event at Siemens’ Northampton Depot. The day kicked off with an NTAR Touropportunity for members to meet over refreshments, before hearing from Head of Procurement for Siemens Mobility, Andrew Lister, and NTAR General Manager, Simon Rennie. Members were then invited to partake in a tour of the NTAR facilities, which host a virtual reality suite, digital railway room, and areas dedicated to European Rail Traffic Management System/European Train Control System and rail electrification.

After lunch, members were then shown around the Siemens Train Maintenance depot; showcasing the technology and dedicated team behind the fleet of London Midland-operated rolling stock.

Feedback provided by members who attended the event has Siemen's Depot Tourcommended the experience; Robert Hodgson, TRB Lightweight Structures Ltd, said ‘I would definitely attend a similar event again. Andrew and his colleague, Martin were very approachable… The day has been useful for businesses looking to further communications with Siemens and one another’.

The Rail Forum Midlands would like to thank all those at Siemens and NTAR who helped to make the day a success, and we look forward to future collaborative events.

Keep up to date with similar upcoming visits on our events page. Email Sophia@midlandsrail.co.uk to register your interest.

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